Adult Faith Formation
St. Patrick's offers Adult Faith Formation bible groups, study groups, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Women's & Men's Club of
St. Patrick's, and co-ed prayer groups to help deepen and
enrich your Catholic faith.

Are you interested in finding out more in becoming Catholic? We’d love to talk to you, get to know you and help walk with you. Or maybe you know someone who you think would like to learn more about being Catholic. Please encourage them to call. Questions? Contact Deacon Bob bschnell@stpatrick-edina.org.
Journey Together
Thursdays | 8:30am (coffee) | 8:45-10 am meeting
Journey Together is a group of men & women,
of all ages & walks of life, growing together in holiness..
Please join us as we Journey Together!
Prayer is the topic for the current sessions.
For more details, please click HERE.
Grandmas in Prayer
Mondays | 1-2 pm | St. Cecilia's Room
Grandma's pray for their grandchildren following the 4-step prayer method.
For more details, please click HERE.
Women's Club of St. Patrick
All women of the parish are welcomed to attend the Women's Club monthly meetings. The first Sunday of the month, after the 10am Mass.
Dates & Details can be found HERE.
Men's Club of St. Patrick

All men of the parish are invited to join the Men's Club. The Men's Club runs programs and helps with events.
Questions? Email Andy Piazza OR Jim Wangen